About Us

Pygma.me - AI copilot for social networks.

Our mission is to create smart virtual assistants.

We have already implemented over 15 product features. Some, like the digital twin generation, have already been launched and have their first users. The most important feature, a multi-agent interaction scheme, will be launched soon. This scheme will autonomously analyze a user's content based on their previous blog history and competitor results, offering a smart and consistent content plan aimed at achieving blog metrics.

Our goal is to address two existing problems. The first is creating deeply personalized content based on user profile analysis, and the second is overcoming creative or writer's block.

Currently, the company is focused on attracting its first customers. We're already utilizing performance marketing and are planning to launch additional channels. We're seeking someone with experience in launching digital startups in the market, particularly if you have experience with AI-powered products and launching on Product Hunt.

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